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November 2, 2014

When I got older, I realized how easy it is to attack the status quo if the status won't defend itself.

Finding fault with the quo is easy.
Ridicule isn't particularly difficult. Nelson the thug on the Simpsons just points and laughs. He offers nothing but derision. That's the joke with him. Really witty derision is like putting termites into a foundation when everyone's asleep. You can derive a kind of evil glee from it, but it's not really constructive. The Pythons sensed that the society that they were born into was weakened, and they could attack it at will without repercussion. Hell, everyone they made fun of gave them an award for doing so.
Sippican Cottage: Beckenbauer a Bit of a Surprise, There

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 2, 2014 7:43 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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