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September 24, 2014

What never gets mentioned by modern economists or public policy types

is the fact we already have scads of people in useless jobs.
Having experience with the federal government, I know about a third of the people employed do nothing. They show up, perform tasks as instructed, but it is all busy work. Another third do real work, but we should probably stop them. The army of people coming up with new warning labels for shampoo bottles are a net negative to society. The rest probably do useful work, but I’m probably being generous. The same math is true in state and local government. It’s not just the public sector. The private sector has millions of pointless workers. Lawyers are an easy example.
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Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 24, 2014 9:32 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Well, better in useless jobs than in harmful jobs -- like promoting ObamaSnare, Fast-Furious-Fatal-Foolish, IRS intimidation of the innocent, treacherous Rules of Engagement [murderous to our own Military],... 2 more years of dots to fill in.

Posted by: Stug Guts [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 26, 2014 5:00 PM

One of my favorite examples: the fruit cops at the borders of California. Once you enter, you are shunted to a toll-booth type of station where someone wearing an approximation of a uniform asks you if you are carrying any vegetables or fruit. All you need do is reply "no", whereupon you are waved on. Often, you are simply waved through without interrogation. Sometimes, there is nobody there, and after a few moments of polite compliance, you simply drive on. How much are these drones paid?

Posted by: Nicholas Darkwater [TypeKey Profile Page] at September 29, 2014 1:30 PM

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