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August 9, 2014

A Pentagonal coup d’état does not seem likely, granted.

In practical terms, though, four helicopter gunships and twenty Black Hawks of troops arriving over Washington from Quantico would do it.
Whether the public would care enough to do anything about it, or whether there would be anything they could do, is uncertain. Enough people are sick enough of the current state of things that they might say, what the hell, give it a try. The crucial question world then be how the rest of the military would respond. Think of it as Merle Haggard versus Justin Bieber. Or Sarah Palin versus Paris Hilton. But something is going to happen.
Fred On Everything

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 9, 2014 7:58 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

"Enough people are sick enough of the current state of things that they might say, what the hell, give it a try."

Honestly I see that as a very likely future.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 9, 2014 8:46 PM

…I dream about this event all of the time and I'm reminded of an excerpt from an old Brewer and Shipley tune, "Oh, Mommy".

"it says right there in the Constitution, it's really A-OK to have a revolution, when the leaders that you choose, just don't fill the shoes…"

Posted by: Jack [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 10, 2014 7:03 AM

Which is (of course) why he's gutting the military as fast as he can, why Stalin did the same even in the face of Hitler.
It's why he's arming, heavily, the part of the government under executive control.
It's why he supports the unions 100% and by extension the unionized police.

In the end, it's going to be the US Military, the militias or one man with a gun. And that will kick it off.

Posted by: Onthenorthriver [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 10, 2014 9:13 AM

It will be a fine dustup with the military holding all the big machines of war.
We need a Sarajevo or a Grassy Knoll.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 10, 2014 9:20 AM

Unfortunately, the hipster kids and current young generation hate the Boomer generation as much as Obama does. We must do what is right for them, even if they don't yet understand. A harder thing than we can imagine, to stand up to the Pied Piper.

Posted by: Joan of Argghh! [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 10, 2014 11:37 AM

Vivemos mejor con Franco.

When the Good Guys finally fight back

Posted by: B Lewis [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 10, 2014 12:05 PM

Oabama is doing what Stalin did. He's purging the Flags of the warriors and putting in the oliticals.
Breaking the army to his plans and ideology.

Any revolt will have to come from the lower field grade officers and he's RIF'ing 550majors.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 10, 2014 2:15 PM

If someone must be *in charge* I don't really care who it is, for it will be a thug, and therefore I will live the rest of my life avoiding them and their hires.

Freedom reigns when people are only in charge of themselves. Kind of like the way most people live their lives everyday.

Posted by: ghostsniper [TypeKey Profile Page] at August 10, 2014 7:21 PM

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