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July 29, 2014

Islam is an evil political system.

There is no such thing as “islamic extremism” versus “moderate islam” any more than there was a “moderate Nazism”.
To understand this truism, one need only replace contemporary commentary or reportage on islam with the words “Nazism” and “Third Reich” to understand the abject imbecility of the entire notion of a “moderate” islam. Nope. The islamic political system, like Nazism, must be exterminated from the face of the earth – not merely contained, not merely subjugated. Exterminated.
Completely Negative | Barnhardt

Posted by gerardvanderleun at July 29, 2014 8:03 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I agree with all of the above, and go one better. The Muslims themselves must be got rid of, along with their friends and neighbors and anyone that smiles at them or looks like them.
And their crop lands and grazing lands must be burned and the wells poisoned and the animals killed and burned and buried. And their cities must be laid waste to such that no stone stands atop another.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 29, 2014 9:54 PM

That's the only solution . Every single one of them.

Posted by: Dale Gribble [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 12:03 AM

With all that in mind, we have a problem Huston. The Malignancy-in-Chief appears to be stacking stones in DC, building a Caliphate of his own. As of yet, Hussein hasn't presented as a guide such as a burkah wrapped Wookie, which would be an improvement over the current model.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 7:03 AM

The Muslim-in-Chief of the USA has a whole horde of soldiers now flowing across the southern border.

I have not heard of a shot fired by the Texas National Guard. Do the Guardsmen even have have loaded weapons?

Posted by: Terry [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 7:27 AM

The Muslim-in-Chief of the USA is working very diligently indeed. This is of interest:


Posted by: Terry [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 7:53 AM

Problem. We are outnumbered. And they multiply faster than we do. We're screwed.

Posted by: fatgreencat [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 10:53 AM

At the risk of being misunderstood, there can be such a thing as moderate fascism. Fascism does not NEED to slouch into death camps and racial purity theories, its mostly just socialism combined with national pride and a respect for traditional culture. It can be moderate, in fact in Spain it mostly was; the big barrier is that fascism requires a strong man leader who is almost always going to end up a brutal thug dictator to retain power.

There is moderate Islam out there. You live nearby them if you're in any large population center at all. There are Muslims who believe your sin is between you and God, and that they need not convert everyone. They are quiet, stay out of trouble, and keep their heads down.

As a religious system, yes Islam is incredibly dominant and tyrannical, but that does not mean there cannot be people better than their theology.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 11:18 AM

"As a religious system, yes Islam is incredibly dominant and tyrannical, but that does not mean there cannot be people better than their theology."

Yes, it pretty much does. Muslims can afford to be less barbaric when they are present as a small minority.

Posted by: james wilson [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 11:58 AM

All or not at all.

Radical Muslims go on Jihads and kill all non-believers.
Moderate Muslims pray that radical Muslims kill many non-believers.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 12:04 PM

Moderate Muslims will jump and shout lest they become called out as apostates. Apostates die or "Get the Fervor."

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 3:28 PM

The day that Iran tests its first nuclear bomb we need to nuculate them out of existence. Anyone who protests our action should get the same treatment. Because that is exactly the same thing they have in store for us.

Posted by: Roger in Republic [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 5:27 PM

@Christopher: I think I know what you are trying to say but I disagree. Occam's Razor comes into play: no matter how thin you slice it, fascism will always fall on the side of destructive. There might be moderate fascism, kind of an oxymoron, eh? But there never can be moderate Islam. It is prohibited in their holy book.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 30, 2014 10:42 PM

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