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June 28, 2014


This term is usually a synonym for any group of poor people
but unlike “the poor,” it implies that something is lacking in how they are treated and, by inference, this “something” can, and should, be provided by the government. In fact, most of the “under-served” already enjoy copious government benefits–everything from free food to free cell phones–and a more accurate expression, at least in many instances, might be “lavishly over-served.”
The New Newspeak

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 28, 2014 4:42 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Like raising cattle on ranches in large urban areas. The low-info voters are being bred and raised for one purpose: to vote. I guess if you treat them right it is not considered racism.

When the herds fall short of certain population goals and when the conservatives show at least token resistance by trying to vote the troubles away, other cattle are brought in to supplement the voter base.
Origins irrelevant, credentials not needed. They are expendable so they can be used as cannon fodder should the going get rough.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 28, 2014 10:48 PM

"under-served" is just one of the so-called sophisticated and nuanced slang terms The Left create to exaggerate the numbers of people in a category. That new category quickly becomes a synonym for the old and narrower term with the people back in Mayberry. "food insecure" displaced hungry. It doesn't mean hungry. The definition of food-insecure is so nebulous it includes the morbidly obese and anyone that doesn't have all meals for the next month inked in on a calendar, even if they are wealthy, dieting, or traveling from resort to resort.

Posted by: tscottme [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 30, 2014 12:30 AM

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