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June 5, 2014

The tranny has become the dividing line between two groups of people.

One the one hand we have liberal white people who engage in all sorts of magical thinking about the world, including things like biology and physics.
They think someone can change their sex if they choose to do it. They think evolution stopped 50,000 years ago and that all humans are exactly the same. They think putting a dumb person in school long enough will make them smart. These things not only contradict accepted science, they contradict objective reality. They disbelieve and curse their lying eyes.

On the other side of the line is another group of believers.
These folks believe in conventional religions, nationalism, fraternity and so forth. In the case of religion, they accept it may contradict science, but not in important ways that alter the functioning of society. In the case of nationalism, they know there’s no good reason to feel the way they do when the national anthem is played, but they accept it and relish it. In other words, these folks believe in things because they appear to make life more pleasant, their societies more successful and the future more palatable.

That would be the end of it
if the first group of people did not hold the second group in such contempt that they wanted to kill them.
Z Blog › The Tranny Wars

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 5, 2014 11:50 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

The sad corollary to this is that politicians in both parties use this to their advantage.

The left takes tax money and hands it out to the 'weird' so that they can continue to attack the normals and drive election turnout.

The right acquiesces to this theft because they can use 'normal's fear of the 'weird' to drive turnout, and if the 'weird' had no access to tax dollars they wouldn't be a constant drumbeat of antagonism.

And this is why I smile every time D.C. is destroyed on film.

Posted by: dan at June 5, 2014 12:29 PM

The reaction to Kevin D. Williamson's column on the topic is bizarre. His proposition that Laverne Cox is not actually a woman is, at minimum, a reasonable position. Yet Salon, Slate, et al. act like he's disgraced the human race by saying so. They scream online insults at him rather than debate him.

They want to make the skip the debate and make commonsense notion that a surgically mutilated man is not a woman appear so morally disgusting that people will be afraid to say it.

Side note: isn't it strange that the side that calls its opponents "science deniers" when it comes to global warming insists that science is irrelevant when determining gender?

Posted by: John Farrier at June 5, 2014 12:42 PM

To them strange is logical.
Until they get punched in the face.
Then they become normal.

Posted by: ghostsniper at June 5, 2014 2:39 PM

John, the Left hates Christians so they embrace the parts of science they think Christians hate, like evolution. Otherwise, they hate science as much as they hate America.

Posted by: Z at June 5, 2014 6:08 PM

The one of totalitarian mentality hates most what he fears most. Having no belief in a forgiving, benign and even loving existence after physical death, they live as ghosts. They envy the faithful [if I am not faithful, then I must destroy you and your faith]. These tyrants fear their own permanent destruction if they allow even peaceful challenges from the faithful. To have doubts cast upon their own brittle ideologies is accepting disintegration of their very sense of self.
The shame, not guilt, of being monumentally wrong for so many wrong reasons and passions is unbearable to the totalitarian.
in words of single syllables, "Truth loves life, lies hate truth."

Posted by: Howard Nelson at June 5, 2014 8:31 PM

One consolation. I built my house on solid rock, my faith sustains me.

"Apa trece, pietrele ramin."
"The water flows, the rocks remain."

— Old Romanian Proverb

Posted by: chasmatic at June 5, 2014 10:47 PM

What in the hell relegates the "thinking" process of group one to "white" people, that ignorantly "mis-identify" themselves as Liberal(by any other name)?
SEE: MSNBC, or (ie)the meat district in NYC, after "business hours".

Posted by: CaptDMO at June 6, 2014 6:33 AM

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