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June 26, 2014

It is difficult to know how to react to the millions of childish people who populate our public scene.

To some extent they are victims of a catastrophe of cultural atavism and the deliberate destruction of traditions,
including the spiritual discipline of cultivating an inner person. On the other hand, they are barbarous or savage and it is the unenviable duty of those of us who struggle to remain civilized not to concede their election never to grow up and never to cultivate their inner qualities. The choices that such people make, even those that concern their own bodies, have social effects that impinge on everyone. For one thing, the vogue of tattoos and piercing has grossly uglified the public square. It belongs to the wicked aschemiolatry of our time and should be resisted.
The Thinking Housewife

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 26, 2014 10:47 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Nine out of ten international experts agree, the best way to react to childish people is with a good hard punch in the face.

Celebrate Assholes Get a Punch in the Face Day.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 27, 2014 10:13 PM

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