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June 1, 2014


Invest more in education, the schemers of the state urge,
presenting as an example a few individual students from the diminishing percentage of college graduates who are actually able to find a full-time job based on their degree. Invest more in healthcare they cry, trotting out the elderly and the children who depend on social services, even while those same schemers are robbing those services blind. Invest in foreign aid, in the war on poverty, in infrastructure and the environment and a thousand other social funds, they cry, even as all the trillions of their former investments have gone up in smoke.
Sultan Knish: Twilight of the Family

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 1, 2014 12:02 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

The Congress throes money at education faster than a drunk Wall Streeter can toss money at a pole dancer. With the same results; no one is better off the next day.

The greatest problem faced by schools is the fact that today's crop of teachers went through the same doctrinaire syllabus in which the current kids are immersed. a Forrest Gump moment; Stupid is as stupid taught.

To change the classroom required starting in First Grade with actual educators free of the Liberal stigmata. This needs to progress with the students ass they advance, filling in behind with educated educators, not drones.

Whilst that occurs, exterminate the liberal/Proggy crowd and fill the slots with non-union teachers.

Posted by: Vermont Woodchuck at June 1, 2014 12:54 PM

If you want to kill the vermin you must find their nest. A putsch seems the best way to clear out all the corruption and start anew. Think: cancer, have to get it all or it'll come back.

Posted by: chasmatic at June 1, 2014 1:08 PM

Come back hell. You have to get all of it, or it is still there! Just one cancerous person left is enough for the disease to spread anew.

Posted by: ghostsniper at June 1, 2014 7:48 PM

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