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June 29, 2014

All over the world, from Vienna to Washington,

giant bureaucracies are rising:
in Beijing, the re-forming Caliphate, EU and even Putin’s ramshackle ‘Eurasianist’ empire. They are asserting a kind of hegemony over the planet that brooks no refusal. Everybody’s building empires and in many ways the West with its drones and technical surveillance feels no different from the Stasi. Nor do they shy from each other. Kerry’s talking to the Saudis, the Saudis are talking to al-Qaeda, the Turks are talking to Isis. It’s all one big happy family where the only ones unwelcome are the populations for whom government is supposed to be for. The world belongs to the elite, to the cosmopolitans, to the people bored with making money.
Belmont Club » Waiting for America

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 29, 2014 8:42 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Not that many years ago the phenomena cited in the article were ascribed to The Illuminati or The New World Order or to some coalition of General Motors, The Vatican and The Freemasons. Even The Dracos were considered. You know the theories. They were dismissed as paranoid ravings. Nobody could do such a thing. If it were such a big secret somebody somewhere would find out. poo poo, blah blah. All of a sudden these conclusions are finding their way into mainline thinking.
I am not a conspiracy freak, no tin foil hat on me, but I do pay attention to some advice my uncle Letsgo Lozko told me: follow the money. Never mind the ideologies, they are just tools for gaining control, a way to manage the herds. Why Ukraine, why Iraq, why Mexican border, why all of it?
Follow the money.

Posted by: chasmatic [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 29, 2014 12:58 PM

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