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May 9, 2014

The uniformed provodnitsa rules over her fiefdom like a benign dictator with a weird hairdo.


A Russian second-class sleeper carriage has nine compartments, called kupe, each with four berths, two upper (nad) and two lower (pod).
Wherever you board, you find on your bunk a polythene-wrapped package containing linen, towels, a toothbrush and a pair of slippers. The uniformed provodnitsa rules over her fiefdom like a benign dictator with a weird hairdo. At larger stations on that first trip, ours climbed off to buy snacks from itinerant platform vendors. These she sold on to passengers over the journey. At Svir I bought a bag of Karelian dried smelt; the fishiness perfumed the compartment all the way to Petrozavodsk.
RIDING THE RUSSIAN RAILS | More Intelligent Life

Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 9, 2014 10:05 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I wore the rails OUT when I lived in europe.
It's the only way to fly.


Posted by: ghostsniper at May 9, 2014 11:10 AM

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