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May 10, 2014

#BringBackOurBalls: Just as the last floppo hashtag, #WeStandWithUkraine, didn't actually involve standing with Ukraine,

so #BringBackOurGirls doesn't require bringing back our girls.
There are only a half-dozen special forces around the planet capable of doing that without getting most or all of the hostages killed: the British, the French, the Americans, Israelis, Germans, Aussies, maybe a couple of others. So, unless something of that nature is being lined up, those schoolgirls are headed into slavery, and the wretched pleading passivity of Mrs Obama's hashtag is just a form of moral preening. But then what isn't?
:: SteynOnline

Posted by gerardvanderleun at May 10, 2014 10:32 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

What is our strategic national interest in this? I'l wait. Thought so. Ukraine? Pregnant with national interest. Strategic thinking is pretty much gone from our era.

Posted by: Casey Klahn at May 10, 2014 11:33 AM

I do not recall the fat butt holding a sign "Bring Back Our Girls" when the red Chinese were murdering baby girls by the thousands a few years back.

Posted by: Terry at May 10, 2014 11:45 AM

But...but..."awareness", and "selfies", and "This is what YOU must do", and "branding", and "initiating a conversation" (that *ahem* "others" HERE have been having ever since the founding of The U.S. Marine Corps.)
Maybe a new "Foundation" with highly paid "administrators" and "it's....complicated" financial disclosure exemptions? Surely they'd need a legal team-lest any nuisance/"cultural" liability-or hostile workplace law suits arise, HR compliance officers, and IT infrastructure lattice design team.

Posted by: CaptDMO at May 10, 2014 12:37 PM

You can strike the British, the French, the Americans, the Germans, and the Aussies from that list. If that had been a Jewish school, the girls would already have been rescued. Remember Entebbe?

Posted by: BillH at May 10, 2014 2:25 PM

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