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April 18, 2014

Modern feminism has become fascism and it’s making women miserable.

Feminist Fallout: A Roll Call of Regrets Deborah is in her early 40s and just had a miscarriage.
After waiting for Mr. Right well into her late 30s, she dumped her boyfriend and decided to become a single mom. He panicked and proposed and now they have a kid. This is pretty much the only way a woman in New York can have a family. She has to marriage rape her boyfriend.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 18, 2014 11:00 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Anarchist writer Bob Black called this one over thirty years ago:


Posted by: Skorpion at April 18, 2014 1:36 PM

I'm a woman in her 50's with a "cool" profession and looking back over my life, nothing---NOTHING---comes close to feeling as right to me as being a mother, and a wife, and making a home. Too bad the home is a dusty mess because the cool career takes up most of my time and energy. At least we had the opportunity for me to take a long break from work when our two kids were young. And I've told our daughter (23) to not waste her twenties with unsuitable boyfriends like I did. You can't guarantee finding the right spouse and having kids, but to the extent you can plan and have these goals, having your kids by the time you are in your early 30's would be ideal.

Posted by: RigelDog at April 19, 2014 7:50 AM

RigelDog: good for you. you are one of the women that has been able to pursue your career goals and answer the maternal drive. My wife raised four children mostly by herself and managed to get a bachelor's degree when she was sixty. For her it was family, children, home life first, career interests second. Us men have it easier. We go out and work, provide, protect, maintain a dwelling, oversee in a general way the affairs of the family. There are few conflicts because of job versus family. It is the women that have hard choices to make.

No matter how clever and cool we all are, how sophisticated and "mature" we all want to be, there is no ignoring the basic biological drives. We are, after all, merely clever monkeys. I easily compare us to the behavior of other animals when it comes to propagating the species and surviving against any and all threats we encounter.

Posted by: chasmatic at April 20, 2014 4:49 PM

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