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March 5, 2014

"You know. For kids."


Arthur K. Melin patented the Hula-Hoop on this day in history, 1963 Knerr and Melin began making their own hoops out of polyethylene (the Aussies used bamboo,)
and dubbed them “Hula-Hoops” after the hip-swaying Hawaiian dance. The product enjoyed brisk sales initially – 100 million sold within the first year. But interest in the Hula-Hoop waned quickly until the mid-1960s, when Wham-O added ball bearings inside the plastic tube (which meant you could hear that stitch in your side developing), launching a Hula-Hoop revival that lasted over 15 years. The product was selling as fast as Wham-O could make them (sometimes 20,000 a day), and Arthur K. Melin patented the Hula-Hoop on this day in history, 1963.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 5, 2014 1:21 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Those things really are silly fun, and its such a simple idea.

And the Hudsucker Proxy is a great film :)

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at March 5, 2014 3:17 PM

FYI- the hula hoop is alive and going strong although it is relegated to a niche in the culture. My 24 yr. old daughter and friends use them for exercise (so many tricks), !!and she has become so enamored with them that she purchased one that she uses for fire dancing. Lights it up with white gas and it's quite a show!

Posted by: SteveS. at March 5, 2014 7:53 PM

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