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March 8, 2014

Filthy Rich

The world’s richest in ascending order from tenth to first place are: • Jim Walton $34.7B USA • Christie Walton $36.7B USA • Sheldon Adelson $38B USA • David Koch $40B USA • Charles Koch $40B USA • Larry Ellison $48B USA • Warren Buffet $58.2B USA • Amancio Ortega $64B Spain • Carlos Slim Helu $72B Mexico • Bill Gates $76B USA
I wonder how many of them actually pay tax? Or if they manage to get around all of that by some wicked web that has been woven. One thing tells me that if they are officially worth that much, then one they might not have that in the bank at their disposal. Secondly, they might well have double that amount. People never declare what they have or own down to the last dime, do they? - - Zero Hedge

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 8, 2014 10:26 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

When you get to that level the word tax means nothing to you. Say the gov't thieves decided to steal half of Gates wealth just because, he'd still have more than the last guy on the list, and he still wouldn't give a shit. Do the math, figure out how long it would take you to spend half of Gates wealth.

It's not how much you have but rather how you manage it.

Posted by: ghostsniper at March 8, 2014 11:32 AM

"I wonder how many of them actually pay tax?"

This is the covetous question the progressives always propose. If Robin Hood Obama gets his "income equality" wish and steals ALL of the wealth of the eight Americans on this list (371B), he will have enough money to run our government for a short 5 weeks (3.8T).

The question should be; Who is going to stop this insane death spiral spending?

Posted by: Denny at March 8, 2014 12:00 PM

Many really rich people avoid tax by giving to charity. While I am in favor of true charity I am not in favor of exempting someone from taxes that you and I must pay. The rich should pay the taxes first then if they choose to give their money away I have no problem with it. But the way the present system is designed all our taxes must go up by exactly as much as their taxes go down to keep government revenues the same. So therefore when Bill Gates gives away a billion or so I am payng for that and I resent it.

Posted by: GoneWithTheWind at March 9, 2014 8:49 AM

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