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February 20, 2014

What is Putin?


Putin Reminds Us Of What We Are Not: He is a bumper-sticker example of Aristotle’s dictum that it is easy to be moral in your sleep,
given that verbiage without power is hardly moral or difficult. He is also a reminder about what is important in the most elemental sense. As we debate former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg’s remonstrances on oversized Cokes or Michelle Obama’s advocacy of celery sticks, Putin has dogs shot down to spruce up the Olympic grounds.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 20, 2014 11:04 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

VDH has lost his mind. The things that are really ruining America such as multiculturalism, fagotry, lesbianism, loss of religous values, etc. are the things Putin is trying to stop and the people are with him. Most Russians are with Putin, are most Americans with their leader? No, they fear the ruination of their country and culture. Most Ukrainers would rather be with Russian than the EU. Most people don't want the EU either, they would like their countries back if you don't mind. VDH should be really barking at the terrorists in the White House not Russia. Does the U.S. really have to worry about Syria, Iran, Russia? No, but it does what its allies in the middle east tell it. Like a good poodle being led around by the nose. VDH is looking for an article to post and decided bashing Putin would be good, but he is looking in the wrong direction.

Posted by: Alex at February 20, 2014 1:11 PM

"It's like being in Caligula's Rome. A half breed faggot of dubious provenance on the throne and toadying grifters running the place. You gotta forgive me, I'm not well ... sometimes I think I've seen too much. I wish Putin had grown up in Boise." – Remus

Posted by: chasmatic at February 20, 2014 3:47 PM

I think VDH made some insightful observations.

"He ends up existing to warn us in the West of what we are not, and to demonstrate that in a strange sort of way our loud principles without toughness are not much better than his toughness without principles. In that regard, he gives us a valuable look into ourselves — we the hollow men, the stuffed men of dry voices and whispers.
After all, were not the Lotus-eaters nearly as dangerous as the Cyclopes, the nonviolent Eloi almost as pitiful as the savage Morlocks? And is not the triple-talking postmodern man often as empty as the premodern brute?"

I think those who superficially admire Putin do so as a reaction to the politically correct metro-sexualized beta form of manhood being relentlessly pushed at American men through the media and via our public education system.
Another step in the Gramscian "Long March."
Its one of the reasons a show like Duck Dynasty is such a mega hit.
He cultivates appearing to be manly and macho at least publicly. I don't doubt he is. After all he is a product of Russian culture.
How much is true? Who knows.
It's obvious he is more macho than what currently resides in the White House.
But Putin's public persona is a carefully crafted image projected to the western media.
If you really look past the superficial public facade and look at Putin and what he really represents though his words and actions you realize that he is a murderous thug.
In times of economic and political turmoil it's not unusual for people to wish for a 'Strong man' to appear on the scene. Someone who will clean things up and "make the trains run on time."
Especially when the present leadership appears weak, corrupt, and rudderless.
I say be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.
I highly recommend reading, or re-reading Hayek's "The Road To Serfdom". Myself, I find it disturbing that this sentiment appears to be publicly on the increase, especially among those who would claim to be conservative or libertarian.

Posted by: Tim P at February 20, 2014 10:19 PM

Next stop Ceasarism. A people that will not fight for their inheritance will outsource it to a strongman to fight for them. They will then busy themselves justifying and excusing what the strongman does in the name of winning.

You can't outsource the duties of Citizenship.

Posted by: Scott M at February 21, 2014 2:12 AM

Putin is a Czar. That is what Russia wants and looks for. A Czar that can liberalize when times are calm; but also a Czar that can be the shield when times are not safe.

Russia without a Czar is Russia adrift in a sea full of enemies. And Russia seems to prefer a strong, but unwise, Czar over a weak, but wise Czar.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at February 21, 2014 9:38 PM

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