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February 11, 2014

"On the road five miles south of town"

We get strong west winds that will close highways, local roads, even the interstate (I-10)
and bring us a lot of Arizona real estate (airborne). The dust storms are enough to make grown men cry, women tremble, children run and hide, dogs to bark and horses to bolt in sheer panic. An old joke: one day the wind stopped blowing and all the chickens fell over. Spillers of Soup: DOWN BY ME

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 11, 2014 8:22 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

"There are a lot of people that died without ever hearing my voice. Don't be numbered among them." Cracked me up!

Posted by: wmprof at February 12, 2014 3:36 PM

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