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February 15, 2014

"I had a dance with death recently."

Not my first one but definitely my most memorable.
At first, when I was closest to crossing over I had dreams, nightmares, dark visions.... I can't convey the feelings that attended. Death was a presence, vivid enough to have smells — horrible, a bit frightening and amplified by a sense of Evil. I struggled to stay on the narrow path of salvation and eventually broke through. Calling on God works for me. A significant step up was one day while wallowing in the darkness and having no positive thoughts beyond "hang on, it'll be OK", my wife came into the room and brought with her The Light. I realized I had turned the corner and indeed it would be OK. Posted by: chasmatic a

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 15, 2014 11:59 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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I had a vision where I was down at the River Styx waitin' on the bank for the shuttle ride. A stack of dead and decomposing corpses, flesh liquefying and the smell bad enough to knock a buzzard off a gut wagon. Charon gets the thing docked, sees me and says "You again? We ain't ready for you. Go back and try not to screw up."

I write this as semi-amusing but when I was dreaming this I was so very scared I trembled for a long time. It wasn't actually sleep either, no such luck. I was floating just below the surface. I incorporated some noises I had been hearing, normal background hospital sounds.

My friends, I never ever want to be in that head space again. Even with my salvation and spiritual protections, I was plain stark cold afraid. Listen to Ralph Stanley's "Oh Death" a capella in a darkened room, you'll get an inkling.

Posted by: chasmatic at February 16, 2014 3:20 PM

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