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December 12, 2013

The Affairs of Appalachia

The so-called Appalachian Redoubt is probably a fiction, on the other hand, nobody's up in "them thar hills" accidently. A cautious person can enter in one place, travel without much risk of detection for hundreds of miles north or south, and come out another place altogether. Doomer writers get it right, as a homeland for an insurgency—fictional of course—or for bugging out and getting lost on purpose, it doesn't get much better. ol remus and the woodpile report

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 12, 2013 5:16 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

What is it with "redoubts?" The completely wrong assertion by senior Allied intelligence staff in WW 2 that Hitler would continue the war from a Bavarian redoubt strongly shaped American end-game decisions in early 1945.

Not only did Hitler die in Berlin, not Bavaria, after the war the Allies learned there was never any plan nor preparation by the Nazis for any such thing.

Posted by: Donald Sensing at December 12, 2013 5:59 AM

Actually, with regards to the Nazi Redoubt, there were some plans...

In November of 1943, Reichsfuhrer-SS Himmler ordered a feasibility study on the Alpenfestung, and presented the project proposal to Hitler. Hitler at the time did not endorse the plan; however, Propaganda Minister Goebbels seized upon the notion to create a deception plan based on the Redoubt already having been built. This turned out to be one of the most successful deception ops of the war.

Even though he did not initially approve of the Alpenfestung, Hitler did order the government to evacuate to Berchtesgaden as the front began to collapse. Also, the V-2 scientists were evacuated from Peenemünde to the region.

The famous castle at Neuschwanstein had an SS detachment garrisoned to guard treasures and artifacts that were plundered from occupied France. The castle was being used as a depot for these items. The garrison commander surrendered to the US Army without a shot fired.

Posted by: Old Sarge at February 25, 2014 9:02 AM

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