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November 25, 2013

What’s so great about being civil?

It doesn’t work. Many lament the prominence of cutthroat campaigns and attack ads

but they’re the best way to get the dirt on both party’s candidates. Brawling is the American way. You can still wear a suit and feel strongly about family values. You can still be a God-fearing, pro-life traditionalist, but stop being so fucking polite to assholes. STREET CARNAGE サ THE CASE FOR VULGARITY

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 25, 2013 10:28 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Polite is being used an an excuse by cowards to keep hiding. These cowards fight back by fully complying with The Left while ALMOST having a contemptuous smirk on their face.

This country isn't going to be changed by changing the minds of liberals but by chasing them out of public life, if not the country. There is no quiet and comfortable way to win this war, no matter what Karl Rove and other GOP Pied Pipers tell you. Stop listening to people with nothing but excuses for surrender.

Posted by: Scott M at November 25, 2013 1:03 PM

Pragmatism isn't the best way to guide one's life. It "works" to rob, cheat, and rape, if your goals are personal success and riches.

Doing what is right is the goal and guide of one's life, even if it doesn't work.

But sometimes, being right means kicking over the tables and chasing out the moneychangers.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at November 25, 2013 2:46 PM

From the article. "It’s a British trait to pretend nothing’s unusual."

No. That is actually a classical trait, and the English aristocracy adopted it. Stoicism. Suck it up and keep going. A hard-ass warrior trait. Pussies scream about every little hurt. Men don't; and men don't boast - they do it or they don't do it.

That does not mean that they are not planning revenge, they just stay silent about it. At Trafalgar the Royal Navy's ships-of-the-line were silent until they joined battle. The Roman Legions saved the war cries until they were within sprinting distance to put the gladius into a new sheathe.

A different style altogether. Boasting and bragging is one thing; doing is quite another.* You will miss those strong silent types only when you need them the most.**

*Pity so many of our 'elites' have forgotten this little thing.
**The Knight Errant, Ivanhoe, the Cowboy of American Myth - that is the type you want when things go wrong.

Posted by: Mikey NTH at November 25, 2013 6:23 PM

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