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November 1, 2013

10 Years of Unnecessary Hoop Jumping

The military is about the ONLY place that will take an 18 year old kid and give them the opportunity to achieve their best.
And since most employers are too sadistic and inefficient, this makes the military the BEST option for kids nowadays. Free food, clothing, shelter, health care and education. You oughta kiss your drill sergeant on the lips for how kind and generous the military is compared to corporate America. Captain Capitalism:

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 1, 2013 3:20 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I am a graduate of an Ivy league engineering school c. 1961.

I started a business and eventually hired three 18 year olds.

They became my parters and within 20 years we all became
millionaires. I wasn't a drill sergeant but quietly instructed them in Economics 101. Part of this is the supply/demand curve which teaches that you can charge what the customer is willing to pay. To charge less is a foregone profit.
I also taught them the customer is supreme. Go all out to satisfy a customer who will pay on time.

Posted by: SirWalter at November 1, 2013 4:41 PM

AT the outset of my comment, I would advise other readers that I am a retired US Army artillery officer, so consider that before you detonate at what I am about to write.

The question I would pose to high school students considering enlisting or enrolling in either a service academy or ROTC is this: what will you be agreeing to risk your life to defend?

The "American way of life?" Nope. It's gone for good.

Living in a free country? Not here, not any more.

America's long tradition of freedom of religion? When you join the military, the federal government actively suppresses the practice, including religious speech, of all religions it does not endorse, and promotes religions specifically hostile to Judaism and Christianity.

Constitutional government? God-given human rights? Personal liberty? If you believe that then you are like a starving man whose meal courses are steadily removed by the waiters while they tell him how well he's being fed - and he believes them.

Al Qaeda terrorists fighting against Assad? Because that's what is happening there and that is to whom the administration wants to send military arms and materiel. If you think that is worth bleeding for, then you would have thought in the Old West that it was worth risking your life to help Frank fight Jesse over who bosses the James gang.

We are well on course, before another generation of young men and women grow old enough to enter the armed forces, that the US military will simply become another enforcement arm of the American Totalist Party. It already seems to be practicing (and here.) There is, after all, diminishing distinction between military forces and police forces across the country, actually building a domestic army under federal control to defend the government against its own citizens, which candidate Obama said he wanted to do. Now even the self-described socialist Left is starting to realize it. And this conversion seems well under way by this president ridding himself of ideologically impure generals.

So my advice to young men and women:

Stop joining the US military. Do not talk to recruiters or let them seduce you with sales pitches of job training or education benefits. These now have the main purpose of more deeply tying your personal prosperity, hence your liberty, to government control and largess. Let the diminishing number of unaborted children of the Left go fight the Left's wars of choice like Syria. The Left wants them, let the Left fight them. Let the Left sacrifice its own to protect the State it has wanted for decades and finally got. It is not the country the Founders made. It is not a country that believers in Constitutional liberty can defend with integrity.

And take this decision while you still can, because the Totalist Left is pushing yet again for mandatory national service. Be assured that the children of the Political Class will be exempted.

Posted by: Donald Sensing at November 1, 2013 5:43 PM

The 4 years I spent in the army was the worst mistake in my life. What a waste. When our son turned 18 and had to register for the draft I told him I'll chain him to a tree before I see him join the military. He said, "Don't worry dad, you raised me right, I have no desire to join the military".

Posted by: ghostsniper at November 1, 2013 7:29 PM

As is so often the case, this CaptainCapitalism clown has no idea what he is talking about. He can't write worth a damn, either, but thinks he can.

Posted by: Lorne at November 2, 2013 7:07 AM

@Donald Sensing---I served during Nam. I could not agree more with your comment. This administration is in the process of purging the military of all "non-conforming" upper leadership and installing Stalin type yes men in high command positions.

Obo and his ilk are in the position to crush the main danger to their tyranny in progress---that being the free thinking American individual.

Posted by: Terry at November 2, 2013 9:24 AM

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