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October 7, 2013

The Internet is a teaching medium.

What it teaches, we might want to discuss. We might actually be appalled by what it teaches.
The idea that teaching anything is good, is yet another of those strange, indefensible notions, necessary to the sustenance of the progressive mind, & to the general emancipation from reason. The older notion, which survives in parody, was that teaching requires moral intelligence; that right & wrong must be carefully distinguished; that character & good habits should be instilled. On this view, the essential education is “home schooling”; classroom instruction is supplementary, specialized. Thanks to “democracy,” this is now reversed, & it is the task of public education to instil the new “public values,” such as self-expression through sex, & the need for violence to be sublimated. Moreover, to overwrite any “private virtues” that may have been contracted from old-fashioned parents, or by reading non-approved highbrow literature. Lust, anger, values : Essays in Idleness

Posted by gerardvanderleun at October 7, 2013 1:14 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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