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October 14, 2013

More on the avuncular, pleasant Jon Jarvis, gute Amerikaner and head NPS Dick

He's not your typical Obamacrat. Far from it: a career National Parks employee who worked his way up from ranger status straight to the top.
Yet at the same time he is diligently and obediently, without protest as far as we know, carrying out the most obnoxious, detestable, and perhaps even illegal orders ever given a man in his position, exactly as if he was a swag-bellied, unqualified precinct captain dragged out of some Southside Chicago ward.

But that's the way it is with career bureaucrats --
like Lois Lerner, John Brennan, Keith Alexander and ten thousand others. We know from the historical record that bureaucrats will avidly commit the most horrendous crimes if ordered by the people at the top of the heap. There's a clear and distinct selection process in operation in bureaucracy. People who progress are those who will do what they're told without blinking. and Jarvis is perfect example. Jon Jarvis, Gute Amerikaner

Obama and his minions have effectively declared all Americans the enemy
in an attempt to make the impact of the government shutdown artificially painful. This could not succeed without the assistance of a corps of facilitators, Little Eichmanns, if you will, who are willing to abuse their fellow citizens in order to better serve their master. The most prominent of these is a yob named Jonathan Jarvis who runs the National Park Service. The Little Eichmanns of the Government Shutdown | RedState

Posted by gerardvanderleun at October 14, 2013 11:41 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I weep for the country we were.

Posted by: mary at October 14, 2013 4:18 PM

Jon Jarvis, the Bull Conner of the Obama administration.

One of his rangers told an elderly tourist in Yellowstone, "You are not allowed to recreate in this park when it is shutdown." The tourists were locked up in the Old Faithful Inn for a day while the "public servants" decided how to get them off guv'mint property. If it hadn't been reliably reported, no one would believe this crap actually happened.

Posted by: Jimmy J. at October 14, 2013 8:20 PM

He's just another liberal jacoff who is terrified of his masters and who will do whatever he is told for fear of losing his job and any benefits that it might provide.

I can assure you that if his boss stood beside him and told him to shoot a tourist, this cowardly piece of F would do just that. Once a government nazi, always a government nazi.

Posted by: Jack at October 15, 2013 12:31 PM

Get pictures of guys like Jarvis and photoshop in a firearm to make no-hesitation training targets. If it is good for the government goose it is good for the peasant gander.

Posted by: Browncoat at October 15, 2013 6:15 PM

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