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October 19, 2013

I wonder whether anyone except the right remembers

— ah, it was so long ago — that part of the original argument for Obamacare and how it would be funded was that waste would be trimmed from other programs.
Yes, you may laugh, but that was the drill. Now that we know about the huge waste of money that was the rollout itself, I wonder whether many of those who believed such savings would happen have managed to hold on to those ideas? I’m not talking about the bureaucrats and officials and pundits who either believed their own projections or were lying to cynically exploit what used to be called The Masses, but those ordinary voters who accepted what they were saying and thought it plausible. Do most of those voters still believe? = = neo-neocon

Posted by gerardvanderleun at October 19, 2013 3:14 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

IT'S NOT A TAX!!!! It is a fine.

Oh wait It is a fine tax.

Posted by: Potsie at October 19, 2013 6:29 PM

There were true believers in the gulags.
Even as prisoners they believed it was just some mistake that would soon be cleared-up.

Posted by: RPF at October 19, 2013 7:38 PM

I haven't kept count, but this probably has more blatant, undeniable, hardcore lies behind it than any other five laws ever passed by Congress.

Posted by: BillH at October 20, 2013 7:53 AM

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