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September 3, 2013

The Very Bad Seeds

Objectively speaking, Kerouac and his pals were little more than a bunch of unprepossessing misfits.
And yet—with their glib contempt for capitalism and mainstream society, their romanticization of criminality, drug abuse, and the tragedy of mental illness, and their narcissistic rebranding as virtues of their own shiftlessness and dissolution—they would turn out to be, to an amazing extent, the seed of pretty much everything that was rotten about the American 1960s and their aftermath.... It’s hard to decide which is more of a miracle—that all these self-regarding pseudo-intellectuals managed to find one another, or that they then managed to spark a cultural revolution that transformed the Western world. Ore or ordure? by Bruce Bawer - The New Criterion

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 3, 2013 9:29 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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