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August 3, 2013

When I think of the Three Stooges and Hope & Crosby,


I think of the millions of American men who would be drastically affected by WW2.
Not very bright men, but men with patriotic courage and faith, with grit and determination over a narrow range of endeavors. Men who make for good soldiering, given the proper equipment. And those men came out victorious behind Monty, Ike and Bradley, despite never having to go to Russia. And we pulled it off, and the world breathed a sigh - Allies triumphant. And those men came home, created a Baby Boom and went to college on the GI bill, moved to brand new suburbs and started driving brand new Cadillacs. In the 1950s we invented a brand new American Way. 1953 was worlds apart from 1933. Spite for the Baby Boom - Cobb

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 3, 2013 10:25 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

I was born in 68. Cobb speaks for me.

My ol man was a Korean War Draftee, but 40 years later-to the day, I ended up continuing his fight in the Kabuki Theater of War that is the Korean DMZ. The only Counterculture I've known is pissing in a drug-testing cup, broken families, and working for wealthy old guys who stayed in school instead of going to war as I did, as my dad did.

I rarely meet anyone my age, we are few. I find the only guys I can get along with are 80 year old beatniks and Iraq/Afghan veterans.

I wasn't there when America had a hole torn in its psyche, but I've been cut by the sharp edges.

Thank you for bringing my attention to this in the side-lines. I feel a little less alone.

Posted by: Gray at August 4, 2013 12:34 AM

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