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August 18, 2013

Race to the Bottom

The reset button didn’t work.
The Arab Street’s aflame.
ObamaCare is off its rails.
The jobless rate’s the same.
The Peeping Toms of government
Are snooping through our mail.
Michelle is pushing little kids
To feed on sprouts and kale.
The IRS and FEC
Are playing off the sheet.
Our consulates and embassies
Are forced into retreat.
But if you deign to criticize,
The mammoth mess we’re in,
Your motive must be based upon
The color of his skin.
For only willful prejudice
And bigotry of mind,
Prevents embrace of presidents
Who lead us from behind.

the Bard of Murdock | Asylum Watch

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 18, 2013 8:40 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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