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June 17, 2013

The new “inner-city” stereotype

America’s underclass has by definition always been poor, but they used to be somewhat culturally different from one another.
But now the hillbillies are dying out, and in the proletarian interracial culture wars, black urban culture has won. All the poor whites—or at least the “youths” and a surfeit of middle-aged (or perhaps prematurely aged) white welfare mothers—now seem to act black. And dress black. And talk black. Scenes From a Nashville Convenience Store - Taki's Magazine

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 17, 2013 11:41 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Not surprised as the vulgar class always sinks to the lowest common denominator. This is not a surprise given the main information source for the vulgar class is electronic entertainment (TV and radio) which promotes black ghetto culture 24x7.

Posted by: phil g at June 17, 2013 12:11 PM

Not surprised as the vulgar class always sinks to the lowest common denominator. This is not a surprise given the main information source for the vulgar class is electronic entertainment (TV and radio) which promotes black ghetto culture 24x7.

Posted by: phil g at June 17, 2013 12:12 PM

When a society is on its way up it wants to be like and emulates the upper class.

When a society is on its way down it wants to be like and emulates the lower class.

Posted by: Potsie at June 17, 2013 12:48 PM

This has been going on for decades. Hollywood has been glorifying ghetto speak and action, as has the music industry. When constant air time is given to such wonderful role models such as we see in the NBA, NFL, MLB, what do we expect?
It has long been portrayed as "cool" to talk and act ghetto, and so now we have arrived at that time when it is very mainstream in America.
At the same time, television commercials especially have, for decades, shown the smart, wise black boss/fellow shopper/employee/etc correcting the hapless white male. Finally, the results of affirmative action pushing unqualified individuals into positions of authority have demotivated the rest of the population while simultaneously giving the impression that ANY black person can handle what's given to them in the form of job responsibility, in spite of evidence to the contrary. (That's not to say that "ANY" means all are not qualified. There are many many blacks that have achieved success on their merit, and I wish we could have their leadership in our public venues; unfortunately they seem to be "Uncle Tommed" by the leftist praetorian guard in the media, or are smart enough to steer clear of politics.)
The affirmative action debacle, low-information voters with ghetto stylings, and the portrayal of the "wise negro" have given us the kind of a culture that could give credibility to the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, Marion Barry, and finally, Obama.

Posted by: Uncle Jefe at June 17, 2013 5:07 PM

Uncle Jefe's got it, and I would only add that this has been going on almost as long as television.

Long before the flood of "colored people are wiser" images, a friend described network sitcoms as "The Attack of the TV Husbands." This was even before "feminism," and is the real unexamined ground of the belief that Wimmin Iz Equals, Even If It Takes A Man's Support To Prove It.

Once you got that going, selling the little darlings on the idea that Anybodybutwhitemen™ had the inside track was a walk in the park.

Posted by: Rob De Witt at June 17, 2013 7:51 PM

You are absolutely correct, Rob, and in fact they've taken it at least one step further:

Posted by: Uncle Jefe at June 17, 2013 9:15 PM

What confuses me is that white guys who wear idiotic clothing and jewelry are called douchebags and mocked, but when a black guy does it, he's "keepin it real" and a stylish icon. Uh, no he's as douchy as the jersey shore boy.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 18, 2013 9:59 AM

Hai un modo con le parole. Ottimo lavoro!

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