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June 24, 2013

Every actual journalist at NBC should spit every time David Gregory walks by.

This was a career defining moment. It's rare that someone reveals himself quite as clearly as the Dancin' Master does in that little by-play.

He will "debate" who is or is not a journalist, and the rest of us can wait under the balcony and wait for scraps. The clearly batty Peggy Noonan is a journalist, but Glenn Greenwald may not be. Journalism has sickened itself with respectability, debilitated itself with manners, crippled itself with politesse, and David Gregory may well be Patient Zero for all of this. Glenn Greenwald On Meet The Press - What Are The Gobshites Saying These Days? - Esquire

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 24, 2013 8:56 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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