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June 13, 2013

Anne Coulter comes around to my way of thinking

Ann Coulter - June 12, 2013 - IF THE GOP IS THIS STUPID, IT DESERVES TO DIE "Hispanic voters are a small portion of the electorate.

"They don't want amnesty, and they're hopeless Democrats. So Republicans have decided the path to victory is to flood the country with lots more of them! It's as if Republicans convinced Democrats to fixate on banning birth control to win more pro-life voters."
Constant readers will be familiar with this expression, seen here since time immemorial:

"As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, morons without end, always."

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 13, 2013 10:34 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say


If? It does deserve to die, the republicans love big government far too much. The republican voters that think republicans are any different than democrats are part of the low information voters.

Posted by: Tony at June 13, 2013 10:09 AM

I think we should start calling them "Whigs." You know, the party they replaced over 150 years ago?

Posted by: Don Rodrigo at June 13, 2013 10:39 AM

The Republican's job and the Democrat's job is the same job. It is to take money from taxpayers and give it to the corporations they like. They like almost all corporations, which will pay them large amounts of money when they tire of being an elected official. Works all the way down to aldermen positions. The American citizen, for the most part, love this system, including Ann Coulter.

Posted by: Bobbye at June 13, 2013 10:48 AM

It takes a lazy mind to be unable to distinguish a difference. The thing we're truly missing is the Right Reason of WFB, and others. It's our conservative thinkers who have evaporated. They've all run off and joined the ranks of the sensationalists.

Posted by: Casca at June 13, 2013 12:05 PM

CASCA doth naileth it.

Posted by: vanderleun at June 13, 2013 12:16 PM

And thou hast mightily nailethed CASCA, Gerard!

Posted by: Jewel at June 13, 2013 5:02 PM

I respectfully disagree with Casca and her supporters. The dems and repubs are nothing more than two factions of a single party government.

WFB was one of them. Anyone that advocates for government is one of them.

We are now in the fourth GWB administration. Or, possibly, the seventh Clinton administration. As you can see, I can't tell the difference because there ain't one.

Posted by: Mike at June 13, 2013 10:48 PM

Its pretty ignorant to say that Democrats and Republicans are indistinguishable, what's killing the GOP is the fact that it isn't distinguishable enough. There are definite differences, they just aren't stark enough.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 14, 2013 12:00 PM

"Conservative thinkers" do not get people to the ballot box to vote for conservatives, then or now. The jig is up. Every so-called conservative is functionally the same as a Democrat: they both want the same two things: to enjoin/constrain/redirect the behavior they disapprove from people they don't like, and take money from everyone and spend it on stuff and people they themselves approve of (and highly-correlated to their voters).

The Ruling Party is composed of mediocrities who know that in a free society, they would have no power, no special-ness. They'd have only their paltry rewards from their ordinary good works, and their envy at the larger success of others would gnaw them to death.

So why would anyone vote for a "conservative", who cloaks their gangster-government behavior with a miasma of high-falutin, soothing, mendacious words? (Yeah, I'm talking about you, all you so-called faux Tea Party darlings who saw your chance to join the Ruling Party, and took it. See ya, suckers!) In such times, you vote for your bastard who will throw you crumbs and protect you from those other bastards your idiot neighbors voted for.

As the mad rush towards amnesty (and free-money bennies) for the fence-hoppers shows, both the senior and cadet branches of the Ruling Party have realized that it will dilute past the breaking point the vote of Americans who just want their Liberty secured. And it's then Game On!, and the devil take the hindmost.

Why the hell would anybody vote for Liberty? Liberty means you succeed and fail on your own, if you fail you eat dirt until (and if) you can pick yourself back up. Liberty means that moral living, hard productive work, and delayed gratification is your only defense against tragedy and sorrow. And when the Liberty-voters are in the minority, it just self-identifies you as the guy whose virtue is all your neighbors' reward. When you vote for Liberty, you're the sucker that everybody taps.

What could a conservative thinker possibly offer that would halt this mad rush to Chicago-style gangster government? You can't break the Machine, the Combine, with words. When everybody else is choosing sides for the coming Ruling Party strife, the Liberty-lovers have no side.

It's gonna take serious outrage, to convince those who just want to be left alone with their private pursuits, to forego those and take up the defense of ther Liberties. "...mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security." But, when the Liberties are outnumbered by both the Tories and Democrats, who would answer the call for such terrible duty? To prevail would come only with a terrible price.

Every conservative thinker today or yesterday would attack with relentless ferocity a latter-day Thomas Paine. They would be brothers-in-arms with the Democrats.

Sorry, casca, "The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe. You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion."

Posted by: John A. Fleming at June 14, 2013 12:26 PM

I cannot imagine how one earth anyone sane would think Democrats are a liberty-loving party.

Posted by: Christopher Taylor at June 14, 2013 1:13 PM

Bill Buckley was a bit of a fraud. The most brilliant right wingers left NR of were let go until it became the neo-con rag that it is now.

In any event, there is no cure for universal suffrage.

Posted by: james wilson at June 14, 2013 5:25 PM

Have you read what Thomas Paine did? In the space of several months, public opinion completely turned on the question of Independence. All the smart money was for using politics and diplomacy to reach an accommodation with Great Britain. Paine's pamphlet swept the Colonies, put all the blame of the troubles squarely on the head of the tyrant George III (instead of his misguided Minister Lord North), and created such a grassroots groundswell of opinion that every politician who cared a whit about staying in office was forced to accede to the Will of The People.

There is not a public conservative today who wouldn't kill such a baby in the crib if he could. Hello, "conservative"? They are those "more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves".

No, the conservatives have long ago reached an accommodation with the Ruling Party. They will be allowed to make themselves grandees of their limited fiefs, just so long as they are able to keep their constituents docile.

The conservative/liberal duality is breaking. A new unstable triplet is forming: Rulers (and their vassals and retainers), low-information voters (we don't care what you do as long as you show us the money), and a dwindling band of free men and women. You are either a Ruler, a slave, or prey.

Posted by: John A. Fleming at June 14, 2013 6:13 PM

Sorry, the news has been particularly bad this week (at least in my analysis of it), and it got to me. Most of the time I try to stay immersed in my own pursuits. I don't like what I'm reading one bit.

Posted by: John A. Fleming at June 14, 2013 6:21 PM

"... voted for Bush ..." Hah! Not here or in any other alternate universe the forks of my life might have taken me. Before the Usurper there was Bush the Timid. Before him was the Carny Grifter and his grasping harridan. Before him was the Deceiver. Before him was our last President worthy of the position. I may or may not have voted for him (at this point, what difference does it make?), but I can recognize a American still loyal to the Constitution.

(Before the last President, there was the Scold, a President, the Paranoid Schemer, the Grasper, the Lying Cheating Feckless Incompetent, and finally the last exemplary and competent Chief Executive we've seen. In fifty three years, only eight have my countrymen seen fit to grace us with a President worthy of the Office.)

Posted by: John A. Fleming at June 14, 2013 8:01 PM

Coulter is correct, but she represents how we can all be fooled. She quite vocally supported Romney and Christy of NJ. Has she had buyer's remorse ?

Has she written of her poor choices that we may learn ?

Posted by: Grace at June 16, 2013 3:26 AM

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