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June 30, 2013

America's political elites... believe that outright tyranny is tacky.

They don't run over people with tanks, they run them over with laws. But if the day comes when tanks are necessary

in defense of gun control, gay marriage, mandatory abortions, national health insurance or some other liberal cause, there is no real doubt that they will do it. For now they admire their own sophisticated ability to get their way with empty speeches, media bias and social nudges. It hasn't crossed their minds yet that the day will come when that will not be enough. -- Sultan Knish: A Season for Treason

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 30, 2013 8:56 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

There are no nice liberals. The ones you think are the exception will turn on you in a moment, and on command. They will claim or believe you are a SIXHIRB (sexist, islamaphobe, xenophobe, homophobe, intolerant, racist, bigot) the moment you endanger some liberal point or you penetrate their liberal cocoon. Look how they jump on the most dangerous person in America, Paula Deen.

The problem is all of the people that think there are nice liberals will not learn the lesson until they are personally and unfairly targeted by the liberal hate machine. No amount of niceness to liberals, considering both sides, being overly nice to some minority on the edge of your friendships, etc will protect you. You will be sold out the instant it benefits the hate machine and nobody will stand with you just as you've not stood with others.

The Left means to bring cultural/racial genocide to their opponents, you just prefer to imagine what Mayberry was like decades ago. You will see the truth when you are the target and you will see how few of your nice liberals will ever speak to you again.

Posted by: Scott M at June 30, 2013 4:20 PM

The left is preparing for this. Our security and defense institutions are now being lectured and indoctrinated on the "American Right Wing." Much of what they are being told is lurid, cartoonish nonsense, and many in the police and military are not buying it, I imagine. But they will do their job first, and only regret the consequences later. The militarization of police forces continues apace, and DHS buys up small-arms ammo well in excess of what's needed for even rigorous training. More and more military/police drills are being held in major metro areas -- why? Part of the reason is indeed a precaution against a major terrorist action, but how do we know it isn't dual purpose? You know, in case the "Tea Baggers" turn out to be the menace that the Left fantasizes about?

Posted by: Don Rodrigo at July 1, 2013 11:11 AM

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