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December 15, 2012

The New National Motto

As they track down the story of Adam Lanza, and all standard parts fall into place

-- the weak absent father, the dingbat single mother, the liberal, well-meaning psychologist who was “working” with Adam, the shallow friends who found him “edgy” and “different,” Adam’s cultural life which consisted of an addiction to violent imagery, music, and movies supplied by the same media-political complex that is now feigning shock. As all of America is brought before the microphones blinking, crying, totally uncomprehending, we will notice one repeated phrase, a phrase so universal, so emblematic of Liberal America and its mounting catastrophes that I am proposing it become the new national motto, or rather the epitaph to be engraved on the tombstone of the Republic: “HOW COULD IT HAVE HAPPENED?” -- Our false innocence, our real guilt

Posted by gerardvanderleun at December 15, 2012 10:54 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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