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November 22, 2012

In stark contrast to the sporadic and lackluster military prowess

exhibited by the Count of Philosophy, the Baron of Theology, the Viscount of Ethics, or the Baronet of Anthropology,

armies of the King of Mathematics march slowly but inexorably, tirelessly, without pause or respite, and utterly without even a hint of mercy. While his vanguard can be beaten back successfully in quick and highly expensive (in men and treasure) campaigns, slowly but surely the aggressor finds escape route after escape route cut off as General Subtraction, General Addition, and Field Marshall Compound Interest methodically cut off avenues of fiscal retreat and offer no terms and no quarter whatsoever. -- Contemplating Vailant Rearguard Actions Against Intractable Foes | finem respice

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 22, 2012 4:32 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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