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November 13, 2012

Dear Barack Obama (A Letter From Joseph Goebbels)

As a propagandist, you have achieved everything I set out to do. You soared to victory this week like a Bundesadler in a Leni Riefenstahl film.

I’m amazed der Juden and der junge are so devoted to your cause, as it seems you are determined to extinguish both. But what really impresses me is the blind faith with which more than half of America follows you. These are people who couldn’t care less about politics, yet somehow they are in a trance. Why? Because you promised them you care. Amazing. An entire generation of young men stand proudly behind you simply because you play basketball. And you’re not even good at it! -- - Taki's Magazine

Posted by gerardvanderleun at November 13, 2012 11:39 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

"Bundesadler" is unlikely terminology.

"Reichs Adler" is the terminology my Onkel Michel, Unterscharführer in the Waffen-SS, would have used.

Oddly enough, Michel told me that he and his fellow Waffen-SS guys despised Goebbels as a foul liar. Death, destruction, murder most foul they could tolerate, but not Goebbels.

Wonder what he would think of Obama?

Posted by: Fred Z at November 13, 2012 4:51 PM

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