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September 21, 2012

The Black Daydream Is Over

Why Romney Is Going to Romp over Obama in November Blacks have discovered Obama for what they suspected he was to begin with: the newest in a long line of black would-be-messiahs/hucksters who were also at first described as charismatic, inspirational, visionary, and eloquent. Those names include the likes of M
arion Barry, Carl Stokes, Coleman Young, Richard Hatcher, Kenneth Gibson, and Lionel J. Wilson. Each failed miserably, and though black people are loath to acknowledge that fact out loud, deep down, they know it. Black politicians -- especially of the liberal Democrat bent -- are all doomed to failure because each one believes he's the second coming of Dr. Martin Luther King. Their shtick is all the same: lofty rhetoric, pretensions of divinity, charm that inspires unquestioning, religious-like devotion (sound familiar?). Those are great qualities for a civil rights leader but poor preparation for one with aspirations of being the most powerful man in the world. Let's face it: for all his greatness, Dr. King would have made a lousy president.

Posted by Vanderleun at September 21, 2012 3:54 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Black America wouldn't be in its sorry state if they even thought about writing off another black for his bad behavior. In private some of them might carp about Obama. In public they reflexively claim no President in the history of the universe has ever done as well as Obama, and to say otherwise is the worst racial attack on all blacks in the history of the world.

Who has continuing influence in the black population, Bill Cosby or Snoop Dogg? The fact is each of us may know a black man or woman doing the right thing and not buying the Hopium but those people are ignored by the rest of the black population and are are frequently called Uncle Toms when they get too much influence.

Posted by: Scott M at September 21, 2012 4:32 PM

Posted by: Donald Sensing at September 21, 2012 4:59 PM

well I can't speak for the others, but Chocolate City went ahead and re-elected Barry to another term as mayor, even after he was a branded criminal.

so don't expect the 90% who today comprise the modern slave population to not vote for o-blah...

Posted by: jacksonian grouch at September 21, 2012 5:43 PM

If the high water mark in your resevoir is MLKjr your cup is never going to run over. It's going to be filled with Jessie Jacksons.

Posted by: james wilson at September 21, 2012 7:09 PM

I never bought into the MLK sainthood meme. He failed his "content of character" test at least three times. 1) serial adultery 2) pesky charges of plagiarism 3) taking money from communists.

Posted by: Gary at September 22, 2012 8:35 AM

Gary: True, he was no saint. But he knew, once he started his national career, that he stood a good chance to be killed. Black civil rights workers were targets, and he still went ahead. Count that in his favor.

Posted by: JB at September 23, 2012 5:47 AM

Gary: True, he was no saint. But he knew, once he started his national career, that he stood a good chance to be killed. Black civil rights workers were targets, and he still went ahead. Count that in his favor.

Posted by: JB at September 23, 2012 5:47 AM

What is tragic about the African American story is that it should long ago have ceased to be tragic. The sad, miserable narrative for blacks continues because both their "leadership" and millions of blacks have signed on to being the most disaffected, burdensome, inept, corrupt, and noisiest segment of American society.

Posted by: Don Rodrigo at September 24, 2012 11:06 AM

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