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September 30, 2012

"Don't answer stupid questions. Do a Newt. Zero in on the absurd assumptions that underlie many of those questions."

"Contraception? You can buy it for next to nothing at WalMart. Is that the issue that really concerns Americans
at a time when gas prices have doubled, the real unemployment rate is in double digits, our credit rating is being downgraded, our embassies are flying Al Qaeda flags and our diplomats being dragged through the streets? Is that the issue for women when they can't find jobs, make their car and mortgage payments, pay their student loans, and see their kids in substandard schools?" -- The DiploMad 2.0: Friday Rant: The Presidential Debates

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 30, 2012 10:19 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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