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September 7, 2012

“As we know it.”

When did the peculiarly named "progressives" decide they must hunker down in a defensive crouch to fend off an unfamiliar future?
Hoover Dam ended the lower Colorado River as we knew it. Rockefeller Center ended midtown Manhattan as we knew it. Desegregation ended the South as we knew it. The Internet ended . . . you get the point. In their baleful resistance to any policy not “as we know it,” progressives resemble a crotchety 19th-century vicar in a remote English village banging his cane on the floor to express irritation about rumors of a newfangled, noisy and smoky something called a railroad. -- George F. Will

Posted by gerardvanderleun at September 7, 2012 5:04 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

"The Progressives" are in a perpetual battle to create a future that is based on a failed 19th century model. This necessitates ever more "sophisticated" and "nuanced" definitions of progress, tolerance, help, history, truth, etc.

Posted by: Scott M at September 7, 2012 11:04 AM

It's simpler than that. Even in the '70s, when I was 30 years old and had still never voted, it was apparent that "liberals" were nothing more than control freaks.

Think about it. What is the common thread in all "progressive" arguments? "I demand the right to tell other people what to do!"

Period. I blame it on bad toilet training.

Posted by: Rob De Witt at September 7, 2012 12:36 PM

It's simpler than that. Even in the '70s, when I was 30 years old and had still never voted, it was apparent that "liberals" were nothing more than control freaks.

Think about it. What is the common thread in all "progressive" arguments? "I demand the right to tell other people what to do!"

Period. I blame it on bad toilet training.

Posted by: Rob De Witt at September 7, 2012 12:46 PM

Somebody in FDR's administration said "why should the Russians have all the fun remaking society?"

Liberalism is not about doing good. It's about having fun running other peoples' lives--and making money--while playing with society as if it were a Lego set that can be broken with no consequences.

In the past, there were some good causes that liberals could push to mask their totalitarian intentions. The crisis they face today is that they've run out of good causes, and so they embrace ever stupider causes and more obviously fascistic regimes. And we have the bad taste to notice.

Posted by: pst314 at September 7, 2012 3:41 PM

...Only totalitarian systems allow liberals to have fun, and thus they cling to their crony socialism and their Faculty Lounge Che-worship because it's no fun embracing political and economic systems based on individual liberty. And since their ideas are obviously failing, all that's left is defensiveness and endless hysterical demonizations of their opponents.

Posted by: pst314 at September 7, 2012 3:45 PM

Progressives are afraid of a future that no one can foresee or control, that emerges from the aggregate efforts of millions of people all working, supporting their families, and using their private wealth to make a difference in their communities.

Progressives imagine a future good. That they imagined it is proof enough that it is valid. That you disagree with them and/or decline to support them is proof enough of your "badness".

Progressives need to spend more time in business, and learn the hard and universal lessons there. Most new businesses fail. Most new products (no matter their quality) fail. Your good intentions and best efforts count for nothing in the marketplace. Practically no one (except for once-in-a-generation children of Zeus comets like Steve Jobs) can predict what will be successful. There is no escape from this reality. All you can do is keep trying, learn from your failures and someday, sometime, you might be successful.

And the moment your business falters, loses its way, and keeps trying to sell buggy-whips (your most profitable product) to car owners, the economic predators circle and take you out. That is as it should be. Fine rich economic grass should not be wasted on the lame and unfit.

Give it up, progressives. You are not Steve Jobs. You cannot predict the good future. Your solutions to so-called problems are all sub-optimal failures at best, and most likely do more harm than good. If you try to control future outcomes, all you are doing is putting a gun to our head and telling us, "buy my crappy pos product or else".

Posted by: John A. Fleming at September 7, 2012 5:35 PM

"Progressives imagine a future good."

In their eyes, no future is good if they are not in control. If they are not in control of every last detail of every person's life.

Posted by: pst314 at September 7, 2012 6:49 PM

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