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August 22, 2012

40 Years of Media Manipulation Is Not Undone By A Cynical Quip | Primordial Slack

NOW that we’re at the abyss, some of these prissy boys and sissy girls get alarmed? Like they never gave a second thought to the ends of their fun little games? Oh, well done! Now get busy and stop pussyfooting with the Truth. You OWE your country something and I’m not gonna get all misty-eyed at your “bravery.” Come January another million people will be directly unemployed by the military. Another million in a secondary wave of penury for the camp-followers of the military. How many times did Bush try to amend and fix Fannie Mae? Where WERE you? At the trough of the race-mongers, that’s where. Feh.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at August 22, 2012 11:26 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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