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July 10, 2012

The Kilogram Is Losing Weight


The Not-So-Perfect Kilogram and Why the Metric System Might Be Screwed
In Le Grand K’s case, it’s been losing weight. At its most recent weigh-in in 1988, it was found to be 0.05 milligrams—about the weight of a grain of sand—lighter than its underling replicas. Experts aren’t sure where this weight went, but some theorize that the replicas have been handled more often, which could subtly add weight. Others postulate Le Grand K’s alloy is “outgassing,” which means air is gradually escaping the metal.

Women all over the world want to know if the weight loss will be passed along.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at July 10, 2012 9:54 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

If the standard is shrinking, the number of the weight goes up For example, let us say that I weigh 100 kilograms. If I shrink the standard to 45% of the old kilogram, I will weigh 220 new kilograms (or pounds, as we say en Amerique).

This leads us to an important question. Why aren't American women leading the charge to adopt the SI standard* for weights. Their weights would drop dramatically, say from 176 down to 80.

*SI is the international system of weights and measures, what most Americans think of as the metric system.

P.S. they will fix the standard by defining mass in terms of a replicable measurement process as they have for time and distance.

Posted by: Fat Man at July 10, 2012 11:30 AM

Women aren't losing weight. Just look and the size of 6-12 'broads' as their asses grow to 'moon' size.

Posted by: Peccable at July 10, 2012 3:59 PM

"Outgassing" is not necessarily about "air". It is a problem in manned space flight - plastics, for example, will outgas, meaning that the volatile compounds that make them flexible will "evaporate" into the local atmosphere. Enough of that, and you get very stoned, if not dead, astronauts.

Who writes this stuff??

Posted by: leelu at July 10, 2012 4:33 PM

Fat Man - That's probably the reason why US dress sizes are 4 less than British ones for the same size of dress. :)

IIRC the kilogram used to be so defined; the mass of 1 litre of water at a specified temperature and pressure.

Posted by: Fletcher Christian at July 10, 2012 10:35 PM

Kilogram losing weight? I blame George Bush.

Posted by: Scott M at July 11, 2012 4:15 AM

I blame global warming.

Posted by: gedaliya at July 11, 2012 12:07 PM

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