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July 9, 2012

"As pilot bonobos, the homos..."

discovered the downsides of harlotry. An experienced player was bound to acquire a handful of STDs,
and AIDS practically wiped out an entire generation of "sexually liberated" men. For many, there are also psychological costs. Being desired is a drug, and it's addictive. When it's your highest value, it becomes your identity. One of the problems -- and this has always been a curse to women -- is that sexual attractiveness is linked to the mating instinct, and it peaks in the young. Men mature more flatteringly than women, but most men who trade on their sex appeal won't relax into the confident, secure, middle-aged manhood of their forefathers. Like homos and movie stars, I wonder how many of today's players will chase steroids and sex drugs and eventually convince themselves that maybe that Kenny Rogers face lift will look better on them than it does on him. -- Everyone a Harlot

Posted by gerardvanderleun at July 9, 2012 6:32 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

As it turns out there are people who are either very resistent to the virus, or immune. That means the fastest way to deal with the pandemic is to let everybody get HIV and let the susceptible die off so the resistent/immune can repopulate the Earth.

Posted by: Alan Kellogg at July 9, 2012 8:04 PM

Alan - In other words, let nature take its course. Good advice. Nature has been practicing for billions of years, and pretty much has it down pat.

Posted by: BillH at July 10, 2012 7:56 AM

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