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June 23, 2012

Time for some extreme janitorial intervention


Dear God, I miss them and the time they lived. They are me.
Dear God, I hate, absolutely hate, modern America. I yearn to see its destruction. Absolute, total destruction. 100 million, 200 million dead. Whatever it takes. Cleanse the earth of this monstrosity, this perversity. I am a Chinese patriot. A Muslim patriot. Whoever can do the cleansing. -- Bob in a comment on Something Wonderful: 50 Years of The Beach Boys -- The Lost Concert (1964) @ AMERICAN DIGEST

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 23, 2012 6:18 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Good luck with that, Bob-O. See you in the streets.

Posted by: Marko at June 23, 2012 7:53 PM

Why assume that the place, after cleansing, is anything different? Fewer people sure, different in nature?

Why is it more acceptable to rebuild after massive destruction than to argue and harass Liberals until THEY leave or change? Mercilessly punish bad behavior and bad ideas. I understand the appeal of an asteroid impact, I watch you people drive everyday, but unless this "cleansing" comes from a virus spread by political donations it's just going to make it harder for the normal people as well as the liberal fascists that survive.

Posted by: Scott M at June 23, 2012 8:29 PM

Relax, guys. Bob just wants the old-model Beach Boys back. I know what he means. I went through this with Duran Duran last year.


Posted by: Cameron at June 23, 2012 8:55 PM

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