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June 12, 2012

The "Anti-American" Thing

I note the low standards imposed on this slithery, spectral, complaining thing…
which asserts and re-asserts its cultural existence by bitching and belly-aching about American-identified and America-centric traditions, and yet you are not allowed to call it anti-American. It wriggles through our public ceremonies and our public discourse, or waddles, or ambles, pick your verb — it “creates national stir” all over the place, offending many, with good reason, and it seems those best-of-the-best among us who are elected and appointed to uphold our evolving notions of decency, consistently fail to call upon this vile slithery thing to apologize for the stirs. -- House of Eratosthenes

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 12, 2012 1:30 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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