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June 25, 2012


Where does one find the like of an Anita Dunn (her hero was Mao), the truther Van Jones, or Al "Crucify" Armendariz?  
Do we remember guests to the Bush White House being photographed flipping off portraits of Bill Clinton? Usually Treasury Secretaries are models of tax probity, not tax violators themselves. Why is the Secretary of Labor issuing videos inviting illegal aliens to contact her office when lodging complaints against employers? Even John Mitchell did not violate so many ethical standards as has Eric Holder, who sees nothing wrong in appointing an Obama appointee and Obama campaign donor to investigate possible Obama administration legal violations. Why was grilling Alberto Gonzalez not racism, but doing the same to Eric Holder supposedly is? From where did "Shut the F--- Up" National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon appear? Fannie Mae and K Street? Do Commerce Secretaries usually drive Lexuses as they promote U.S. industry? -- Works and Days » Is the Country Unraveling?

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 25, 2012 8:24 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

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