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June 20, 2012

Anything is preferable to focus on instead of the real danger.

What do you do when faced with the 'collapse of demographic, economic and military strength?'
Ban lightbulbs because lightbulbs are the imminent threat you can deal with. What do you do when faced with the threat of a nuclear Iran? Why, legalize illegal immigrants; or improve your golf skills; or, even work on your re-election campaign. In the end, you can always blame Bush or the Republicans or Congress. The entire purpose of displacement is to gain control over the conflict you won't acknowledge. -- Dr. Sanity: THE RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF THE TRIVIAL

Posted by gerardvanderleun at June 20, 2012 12:56 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

As I wrote in 2009 in "The Mae West Presidency,"

At one's level of incompetence, the manager or leader occupies his time with tasks below the level necessary for the office and hopes that staffs can pull success's rabbit out of the hat. (This helps explains why Obama has so many czars.) Couple that with Obama's inherent inability to measure success by any standard other than getting personal attention from as broad a swath as possible, and you see that the Oval office is occupied by a weak, ineffectual leader unable to perform at the level required. ...

[T]here is nothing at all in Obama's resume that shows he ever made highly difficult decisions that depended, at the end, on his own personal reservoir of wisdom and experience. So he does not tackle the inbox because its contents are above his competence. (One is reminded of Obama telling Rick Warren that when an unborn child gets human rights is "above my pay grade.") He tends instead to lesser matters that match his lower level of competence and gratifyingly feed the ego.

I see now that I was too easy on him, three years ago.

Posted by: Donald Sensing at June 20, 2012 4:16 PM

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