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April 2, 2012

Comment of the Month (So far)

John A. Fleming on Side-Lines: "Zimmerman did everything, everything we'd want a man to do." You all see this hoodwinkery, right?
They've got a grab-bag of these stories that they're constantly refreshing. When they need to divert the news away from Barry's shortcomings, to something blaming *you" or *them*, they reach into that ol' bag and pull out a whopper. They flip it to a willing and bent-over press, who dutifully flog it until it loses its potency. Axe has an office of drones in Chicago reading all the news from everywhere, and filing reports on its news distraction potential. And the Media Matters surrogate. Imagine the scene in 1984, where they are sitting at their desks at Minitrue, rewriting history, and talking into their microphones. And they look at each other with sullen disregard. Axe as O'Brien. Stick to your game. Don't fall into Axe's distraction vortex.

Posted by gerardvanderleun at April 2, 2012 12:59 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

Posted by: Jewel at April 3, 2012 8:39 AM

Duh. "Going viral" is so Aughts. The reason everyone is not rushing to see it is that it isn't being pushed by a media motu. As that Kony flim-flam has shown, the motus's have cracked the code, and can make anything go viral anytime. Since there is only so much "going viral" bandwidth, and if they start pushing too much into the "going viral" channels they will only create back-pressure of viewer resistance and suspicion, the motu's have to meter it out. "Going viral" is best used infrequently, and only for high-impact subjects.

Aughts: 2000-2009
motu: masters of the universe

Posted by: John A. Fleming at April 3, 2012 1:32 PM

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