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March 19, 2012

"The whole "war on women" bit isn't working like the Democrats hoped."


One almost gets the impression that what they perceive the average American woman to be is far from the case. -- Christopher Taylor @ Word Around the Net

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 19, 2012 3:34 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

, even those of us who no one will ever know about/care about on any significant scale can have a huge voice/impact on a very small scale. I setratd this AM in prayer/peace and then went to the grocery store very early. All was well until I got to the checkout and saw a well-known sports magazine with a cover that went WAY BEYOND the border of decency. It was displayed at the level of a child . right at the checkout stand. I spoke to the manager and took the unspoken disdain because it is wrong to allow this kind of thing in the public view especially of children. We live in an adulterous, perverted, lustful, spiritually senseless generation . but that is part of the reason we are still here. We know the Truth we have sanctified minds/imaginations (hopefully), we are not unaware of Satan's schemes (if the child on display or any of the men who will notice her had any idea they would run) and are called to act/pray and make changes in our world. I am not defeated. The last time this happened at another store, I earnestly asked God to help them repent but if not to bring a competing store into the area (not for revenge, but so that I will have another place to shop). He has done so and it will open this Spring (rumor is). Until then, I will continue to struggle not against flesh and blood . but against the forces that use them. Matt 6:13 says lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. I am not sure that is what you meant to reference, but it sure seems appropriate for me to pray today. Father, I acknowledge You today as Lord over this and all situations. Thank you that you show us evil not so that we would condemn, but so that we would pray. I pray You will deliver us from evil.Amen.

Posted by: Alexuus at July 13, 2012 6:18 PM

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