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March 17, 2012

"The problem is not Bill Maher."

The problem is liberals are misogynists who are cruel, mean and nasty to any woman who dares challenge their paternalistic vision of the world. Consider the destruction of Hillary Clinton 4 years ago. Ironic, isn't it? The very things that liberals falsely accuse conservatives of doing are the things the liberals do. -- Condemn the audience and Bill Maher ォ Don Surber

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 17, 2012 11:24 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

It was Jackson that called for Obama to be neteerud after the latter suggested black Americans should accept responsibility for their families and their lives. I don't recall that Sharpton held a rally outside his office to condemn Jackson's demand. Then there is the NAACP that condemns the use of "black hole" by Hallmark, but allows ElBaradei to freely use that term without any repercussions. Well, maybe ElBaradei was licensed to invoke that clearly prejudiced term, or he is no longer on the UN payroll. So, after reviewing the evidence, I will guess that Jackson (assuming he hasn't been neteerud) will be the first to criticize anyone who is not racist. As for "tingles", he is infatuated with Obama. So, if he denigrates Cain, it will be done in order to sustain the tingle, which, with respect to his leg, is entirely justified. There is also that guy at Newsweek, who has stated "Obama is sort of God". We all know what an occultist is capable of when defending their mortal god. At the very minimum, they are capable of flinging (no offense to simian derivatives) inflammatory words.

Posted by: Zachie at July 13, 2012 5:16 AM

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