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March 1, 2012

iowahawk on Breitbart

Breitbart, of course, reveled in it, and took great delight in retweeting and exposing that hate,
the real source of which is clear: unlike meek approval-seeking chickenshits like me, he relished poking at hornets' nests, lifting up rocks, calling out the bullies on the playground. He made himself an enemy of corrupt political con artists who operate on latent threats of thuggery, called them out on it, and, best of all, knew exactly how they would react before they did. He deserved a Pulitzer, but got something better: their opprobrium. Plenty will be written about Andrew Breitbart in the next few days, some flattering, some not. As for me, I will drink two beers in his honor tonight, and remember him the way he was last December in Venice - a big, lovable, random, generous, fearless, patriotic grinning goofball surrounded by his family, basking in the coolness of it all. -- iowahawk: Andrew Breitbart, 1969-2012

Posted by gerardvanderleun at March 1, 2012 6:15 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

"He deserved a Pulitzer, but got something better: their opprobrium." What a befitting epitaph that would be.

Posted by: RedCarolina at March 2, 2012 8:01 AM

I'm with Ray Cleveland: ashamed of my envy of the pelpoe who were lucky enough to know this remarkable real-life legend of a man. My daughter is studying acting, and while Andrew Breitbart's book Hollywood, Interrupted makes me fear what she might get herself into, I took heart that, if she were to leave the New York theater and try her luck in Hollywood, there'd be a good man out there who had the back of every conservative who needed him in that horrid business. And now he's gone. Mr. Alexander (if I have that right), THANK YOU for this site. I need it now, and very badly. Where I work, I must maintain a scrupulous public neutrality about everything (I'm a public librarian), but I try to stand up for what's right and true in all other capacities. But now I have to follow Andrew's example and yours, and do more to help take back our culture from the liars and phonies and self-righteous peddlers of corruption. Let us all help each other!

Posted by: Sirait at July 13, 2012 2:18 PM

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