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February 17, 2012

"Those white devils, they use lies and propaganda to spread their twisted view of the world.

"Just look outside at the Global Warming; if it was not for the propaganda lies of the Deniers we could have shut down electricity generation, the automobile, and smelters and be living in a normal snow filled winter." -- Mitchieville / White Atrocity Month

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 17, 2012 10:53 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

It is a well-known fact that children are bteter able to distinguish sounds than adults one of the reasons why it's easier to learn another language when you're younger. You're right, though it's not that difficult to tell c'mon people!Skeletor (aka She Who Must Not Be Named) now has a $1m baby bonus. Josh, I believe you meant to say Malachi Crunch.Pirates sooooo 5 years ago. Mark Burnett should keep up it's lolruses now.Mein Gott! Those Logies acceptance speeches were so bloated!I thought Dave Hughes' opening piece was alright you've gotta hand it to him for calling Kyle Sandilands a complete dickhead and arsehole to his face on national television. (oh yes, he plastered the smile on because he knew the camera was on him, but I bet he wasn't too happy inside).Aaron Jeffrey and his bogan humour: Best boobs makes coming to work a joy delightful.The oldies were hosting last year: Bert Newton, Daryl Somers, Ray Martin, Lisa McCune and Georgie Parker.I'm quite happy never to see Rob Sitch again.

Posted by: Udaya at July 14, 2012 8:54 PM

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