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February 21, 2012

"People, you don’t ask the President of the United States OR ANYONE ELSE to “let” you practice your faith."

Do you understand? Do you understand what the martyrology of the Church is all about now?
Do you understand what the words “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights” means? Are you ready to accept the massive responsibility of your personal sovereignty bestowed upon you by God Almighty Himself? Are you ready to look the crack-addled, homosexual imbecile-puppet Obama and his cabal of satanic puppet-masters in the eye and say, ”You’re going to have to kill me” and MEAN IT? Because THAT is where we are. Or are you, like this pathetic, whipped, cowardly priest going to look to the imbecile-tyrant Obama and ask his PERMISSION to LET YOU practice your faith? -- Ann Barnhardt @ Barnhardt.biz - Commodity Brokerage

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 21, 2012 9:33 PM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

This is actually a tactic I have used when arguing with people who insist that they are not pro-abortion, but pro-choice. When I am asked if I am pro-choice, I always answer, "No one has a right to choose. You choose regardless, because you are human. Humans make choices even when a law says they may not.

If they were to repeal the first amendment acknowledging my right to speak my mind, I would still be able to choose to speak it.

What you are looking for is not whether I believe you have the right to choose abortion, but that abortion is a good choice to begin with. You can choose to have abortion, but you will never get my agreement that it is a good or right thing to choose. It isn't and it never will be."

So it now comes down to religion, after all is said and done.

You don't need anyone's consent to speak your mind, or to practice your religion.

I really wish people would stop this tack, because the people who really suffer for their religion ain't us. It's the Pakistani woman with the acid burned face whose Christianity offends the Muslim. It's the countless dead in Egypt and Iraq who've been slaughtered without anyone in the rest of the world giving as much as a shrug about it.

The bishops and cardinals all sound like whiners.

Posted by: Jewel at February 22, 2012 1:23 AM

Many Christians have lost sight of the reality that a Christian is always called upon to be a martyr: "Pick up your cross, and follow me," says the Lord. Two hundred and fifty years of freedom in the United States has served to obscure this fact; we've taken our religious freedom for granted, lost sight of what it took to achieve it. To such a degree that some still can't believe it is about to be wrested away. Be assured it is not the only one of our freedoms targeted for death.

But nothing is ever granted. Things change. Our freedom came at the cost hundreds of years and millions of lives. We are about to be tested again, and the only thing a conscientious Christian can do is stand up for freedom, whatever the personal cost.

I suspect we'll see a substantial drop-off of disabused Christians as the chaff separates itself from the wheat. What's left, however, will be stronger than ever.

The thing tyrants never understand is that when individuals take a moral stand to the point of self-sacrifice it is enormously effective in attracting spiritual seekers.

Ask Domitian.

Posted by: ahem at February 22, 2012 9:14 AM

When I was growing up, and went to church and Sunday School faithfully, we never heard a peep about Christian martyrs, or being called to die who follow Christ. Our Jesus was a felt cut-out cartoon Jesus who, if you invited him into your heart would bless you with stuff.
It's taken me a long time to unlearn all that nonsense. Christians would do well to read "The Imitation of Christ", by Thomas à Kempis and internalize it.

Posted by: Jewel at February 22, 2012 11:10 AM

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