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February 10, 2012

A Catholic himself, Leon Panetta asked: “What are we doing here? What’s the point?”

Allow me to explain this to the naif. The point is the same as the point about abortion
-- which by the way is next on the list of things the Church will be ordered to provide. The point is the same about gay marriage, which priests will be forced to perform beginning with military chaplains. The point is the destruction of Catholicism in the name of "freedom."€ --Like making the Amish buy Chevy Volts « Don Surber

Posted by gerardvanderleun at February 10, 2012 8:52 AM. This is an entry on the sideblog of American Digest: Check it out.

Your Say

A very wise pose, Keri Mae. I was downsized Friday after five years at my place of emmyelpont; it wasn't anything I'd done or hadn't done - it was just the economy. I could be mad at God for removing what I thought was a secure source of income, or I could get depressed at the thought of having to job hunt again for the first time in years. But once the shock wore off, I remembered that God is in control and if He allowed this, He must have a very good reason for it and I can trust Him to bring me through it. So this morning, even though I'm sick with a sinus infection and bronchitis, I went to church, taught my Sunday School class, stayed through praise and worship, and raised my hands to God as we sang "Let the River Flow". Whatever His harvest is at this time in my life, I know it will be for my good and His glory. :)

Posted by: Esmael at July 13, 2012 10:38 AM

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